Tuesday, March 26, 2013

AE Basics

PeopleSoft Application Engine is a PeopleTool used to carry out background SQL processing. Application Engines are neatly structured into blocks and offer an alternative to writing COBOL or SQR programs for background SQL processing.

Application Engine Program Types
Application Engine has five types of programs. We can specify the type in the Program Properties dialog box for your program definition. The types are:

1. Standard, which is a normal entry-point program.
2. Upgrade Only, which is used in PeopleSoft upgrade utilities.
3. Import Only, which is used by PeopleSoft import utilities.
4. Daemon Only, a type of program used as a daemon process.
5. Transform Only, a program type used to support Extensible Style sheet Language Transformations (XSLT).

Structure of an Application Engine

The key elements of an application engine program are:

Peoplesoft Application Engine Structure
A PeopleSoft App Engine can have one or more sections. Every App Engine should have at least one section called main section where the execution always start. A section can have multiple steps that get executed one after another.

Steps in an Section gets executed sequentially. Steps are the smallest unit of work that can be committed within a program. Each Step can have one or more actions.

Actions, unlike steps have a particular execution order. An Application has 9 Actions out of which two (SQL and Call Section ) are mutually exclusive. These steps are discussed in detail in the Application Engine Action article.
1. Do When
2. Do While
3. Do Until
4. Do Select
5. PeopleCode
6. SQL\
7. Call Section
8. Log Message
9. XSLT – found only in Transform Only programs

State Records
State Records are PeopleSoft records that are used to pass values from one action to another. They can be considered as storage locations for an Application engine. Find more about State records here.

Parallel Processing in Application Engines
Application Engine seamlessly supports Parallel Processing which helps faster processing when the data involved is huge. This is achieved by the use of temporary tables and %Table meta-SQL. PeopleSoft highly recommends programmers to make use of this feature.

Running an Application Engine
An application engine can be executed from the following 4 places:
1. From within Application Designer using Run Request
2. From PeopleCode using CallAppEngine()
3. From Process Scheduler
4. Manually from command prompt

Monday, March 25, 2013

PS Interview Questions All

PeopleCode Questions

1. What is PIA and what are its components?
It is n-tier architecture. We have client, web server, application server and Database server. We have jolt and tuxedo. We have WSL, WSH, JSL, JSH, QUEUES and services.
In database server we have system tables, peopletools tables and application tables.

2. Differentiate Field edit and Save edit?
In Field edit for each field change, a transition to the application server to the database is taken place. In Save edit for all the fields, only one transition to the application server to the Database is taken place.

3. What are think time functions?
Think-time functions suspend processing either until the user has taken some action (such as clicking a button in a message box), or until an external process has run to completion.

4. In which events error & warning are used most extensively.
Field edit, Save edit, Search save, row delete, row insert.

5. Is there any way by which you can find out whether the user is in Add mode or Update mode?
%mode---returns A---for Add mode. Returns U –for Update mode

6. What is the purpose of the SQLEXEC function? What are its benefits and draw backs?
SQLEXEC is used to execute the sql statements (select, insert,update,delete).
We can get only one row at a time.

7. How is the searchinit event most often used by people soft application?
A) Searchinit fires before the search dialogue page is displayed to the end user.For this reason searchinit is often used to enhance roll level security by inserting and graying out certain values to the search dialogue page.

8. What are the options for using SQL in people code?
a) Sqlexec
b) Record class methods (selectbykey, delete, insert, update)
c) Using sql class, its properties and methods.

9. What is the difference between component buffer and data buffer?
Component buffer contains all the data of the active component.
Data buffer contains the data other than the data in the component buffer (Data of other records)

10. What databuffer classes are available in people code?
Rowset, Row, Record, Field, Array, File, Sql, chart, grid and so on.

11. When we select a component what events will be fired?
If default mode for component is search mode: only searchinit will fired .If default mode for component is new mode :field default, field formula, rowinit, searchinit.

12. What are different variables in people code and their Scope?
System variables and User defined variables.
Scope --- Global, Component, Local.

13. What is default processing?
In default processing, any blank fields in the component are set to their default value. You can specify the default value either in the Record Field Properties, or in FieldDefault PeopleCode

14. What is difference between field default and Row init?
Field default specifies only the default value for a field when we are in Add mode.
Row init fires only when a row of data coming from database to component buffer.

15. What is difference between saveprechange and savepostchange? Which function directly interacts with the database?
Saveprechange---last event that executes before updating the data from component buffer to the database.
Savepostchange –fires after the updation of data in the database.
SQLEXEC --- function directly interacts with the database.

16. What is Getlevel 0()? What is the use of %subrec and %selectall functions?
Getlevel0 ()---used the get the rowset of the level0.
%subrec--is used only in Dynamic View SQL where it expands to the columns of a subrecord:
%selectall--%SelectAll is shorthand for selecting all fields in the specified record, wrapping date/time fields with %DateOut, %TimeOut.

17. What is an array in people code? What is maximum dimension of an array? Which function inserts values into an array? What is “pop”?
An array is a collection of data storage locations, each of which holds the same type of data.
The maximum depth of a PeopleCode array is 15 dimensions.
Push and unshift are the functions of the array used to add the elements into the array one from the end of the array and one from the beginning.
Pop is a function of array used to select and delete an element from the end of the array.

18. What is difference between Getrowset and Createrowset in people code?
Getrowset –is used to get rowset for a record in the component buffer.
Createrowset—is used to create rowset for a record which in database, and is also called a Standalone rowset

19. Can you save the component programmatically?
Using Dosave and Dosavenow functions.

20. What is differed processing and its advantages?
Postpones some user actions to reduce the number of trips to the database so that increases the performance (in system edits, field edit, and field change).
1) Reduces the network traffic.
2) Increases the performance.
33. Write the syntax to access third level record field using object oriented peoplecode?
&fld=Getlevel0 ()(1).GetRowset(Record..GetRow(1),
GetRowset (Record.).GetRow(1),
GetRowset (Record.).GetRow(1),
GetRecord (Record.).GetFieild(Field.))

21. What are the built-functions used to control translate values dynamically?
Adddropdownitem ()
Deletedropdownitem ()

22. How to populate data into grid in online?
&Rs.Select or Scrollselect ().
Before accessing a people soft application what levels of security must be passed through.
a) Field level security
b) Row level security
c) Maintain security
d) Definition security
e) Portal security.

23.What is the use of primary permission list in user profile?
Primary permission list is used for mass change and definition security purposes.
How to authorize the user to run a process or report?
To authorize a user to run a process, the process group, which contains the process or report, should be added to the permission list of that user.

24.How to give access to the records that are to be used in a query?
To give access to the records that are to be used in query, we have create a new query security tree and add the records which we want to give the access and then assign a access group to the tree. After that we have to add that query tree and query access group to the permission list.

25.What are the rules used by the system to determine whether a user is authorized to update an object?
The user should have the permission to update the object. This is given by the Definition security. The group, which holds the object, should be added to the permission list of the user in update mode.
What are the different ways we can set up the portal security to access component in portal?
1) Structure & content
2) Menu import
3) Register component

1. What is Application Engine?
It is the tool, which performs, background SQL processing against our application data tables. It is an alternative for COBOL, SQL or SQR
Programs. Other tools such as query tool and mass change generate SQL.

2. What are the parts of Application Engine?
Application Engine consists of 4 parts.
1. Application: It is a set of SQL statements.
2. Steps: It is the smallest unit of work committed in an application.
3. Sections: Comprises of 1 or more steps
4. Statements: SQL statements like update, insert, delete or select are issued.

3. What is the advantage of using Application Engine?
The following are the advantages of using Application Engine.
Unlike applications developed using COBOL or SQR, Application Engine applications reside completely within your database. With Application Engine, there are the programs to compile, no statements to store, and no need to directly interact with the operating environment in use. You can build, run and debug your applications without existing People Tools.
Effective Dating
Application sections are effective dated-meaning you can activate/deactivate a section as of a particular date. This enables you to archive sections as you modify them, instead of destroying them. In the future if you decide to revert to a previous incarnation of a section you can simply reactivate it.
SQL / Meta-SQL Support
In addition to writing your SQL within Application Engine, you can also copy SQL statements into Application Engine from SQL talk or any other SQL utility with few – if any changes.
RDBMS platforms have many differing syntax rules – especially in regard to date, time and other numeric calculations. For the most part you can work around this problem using Meta-SQL which Application Engine supports. This language was created to handle different RDBMS SQL syntax’s by replacing them with a standard syntax, called Meta-strings.
With in Platform specific sections
You can also have the ability to call generic portions of SQL statements by using the & CLAUSE function. This means you can write your generic SQL portions just once, and reference them from your different platform versions.
Set Processing Support
Set processing is a SQL technique used to process groups (or sets) of rows of one time rather than one at a time. Application Engine is particularly effective of processing these types of applications.
Object Orientation
Unless designed to anticipate changes in field attributes. COBOL applications may need to be modified when things change. If a developer increases a field’s length, then it may need to be changed in every instance where the COBOL program uses this field as a bind or select variable. This can require a good bit of effort. And, if not handled properly, a change like this can cause confusing errors. For example, if the length of a field in the COBOL is wrong, it may work fine, or you may get an error, or the field may get truncated.
One of the corner stones of People soft functionality is Application Designer. Because of the way it works, most field attributes (type, length and scale) can be specified once, globally. If the field is used on more than one record, it has the same attributes in each of these records.

You can use Data Mover to import/export your applications. This means that you can export an application(s) into a file, and attach it to an e-mail message. Then, the recipient can simply use the IMPORT feature of Data Mover, and the application is ready to run.

4. What is a Cache Record?
The Cache record (or cache) is a physical People soft record, keyed by process instance that must be created and maintained by the Application Engine developer. This record defines the fields that an application uses to pas values from one SQL statements to another. You retrieve cache field values by the Application Engine and BIND function; you assign cache values using & SELECT.

5. What is unique about panels, which refer to view as opposed to physical tables?
Panels that refer to views in People soft are not used for insert, update or delete. All fields on these panels are display only.

6. How search records are used?
Search records are used to search, retrieve and filter data. Search records also define the structure of the dialog box.

7. Where are the search records assigned?
Search records are assigned to a panel group in a menu.

8. Does the search record for a panel has to be the same as the record being
Accessed on the panel? Why or Why not?
The search record for the panel does not have to be the same as the record being
Accessed on the panel because the search record is used to search for and or
Filter the search key.

9. How can a search record dialog box be suppressed?
A search record dialog box can be suppressed by assigning a search record that does not have search key.

10. What do search views delivered by People soft do besides displaying the dialog
Search views delivered by People soft are used to implement row level security as well as display a dialog box.

11. What do you need to do to modify the search views?
To modify a search view, we need to change the record definition and recreate the underlying SQL view.

12. When would you have to alter the tables and modify the panels, in the process
of modifying search records?
You need to alter tables and modify panels, when you modify a search record to include a new field.

13. When will there be two occurs level records in a panel group?
If you are referring to two different record definitions that share a same high-level key then two-level one-scroll bar can be displayed as stacked scroll bars.

14. In what order does the application processor fill buffer for the panel group?
The application processor uses occurs level in the panel group to fill the buffer.

15.Differentiate Error V/s Warning statements in People code?
The error statement issues a message and the condition causing the error must
Be corrected before proceeding. The warning statement issues a message and
The user can proceed without changing any values.

16. Where can you run Jobs?
The process scheduler can run jobs on the client or a server machine.

17. What restrictions are placed on multi-process jobs?
A multi process jobs can only be scheduled to run on a server.

18. List the three output destinations available through the Process Scheduler?
You can direct the output to a printer file and windows screen.

19. Where do you set up default operator / class options for Process Monitor?
In operator security, using change, process profile.

20. What are the advantages of incorporating Table set ids into People soft applications?
Table set Ids allow you to share sets of values (codes) in the same prompt table.

21. What fields should be at the tope of every search record definition that use table set Ids?
SET ID is the field that should be at the top of every record definition that uses table set Ids.

22. What is a Record Group ID?
A Record group ID is a group of record definitions that are Sharing the same set control field.

23. What do you determine using Table set Ids control information?
Table set ID control information determines how the information should be shared. The Table set ID control panel defines which Table set Ids set control filed code will use for each record group.

24. What are the three types of Maps used by the navigator?
The 3 types of Maps used by the navigator are..
1. Business Process Map
2. Activity Map
3. Step Map

25. What are the types of layers in Crystal reports?
There are 4 types of layers in Crystal Reports. They are..
1. Report Header - In this, we will write title, date, and logos of the company.
2. Page Header – Used to write column headings.
3. Detail – Contains database column values.
4. Page Footer – Used to write page numbers and address.

. Define security administrator?
Security administrator is used to control and access the various People soft menus.

2. How many types of security administrator profiles? Define?
There are three types of Security administrator profiles:
1. Access Profile: It is an RDBMS ID. It provides the necessary Ids and password for behind-the-scene process.
2. Class Profile: It is defined to organize the users into groups with common access rights or privileges.
3. Operator Profile: It is commonly referred as a Operator Ids or operator having associated sign on passwords.

3. What is Set ID or Table Set?
Set ID shares common control table values.

4. Define Object Security?
The Security profile which is created as an operator security to restrict access to People soft data.

5. Define Object Group?
It is a collection of one or ore objects that form a logical group for security purpose.

6. What are the steps involved in developing a conversion strategy?
The following are the steps involved:
1. Setting Operational Goals.
2. Timing
3. Developing and testing data load routines
4. Mapping your data
5. Performing conversion analysis
6. Evaluating source data
7. Evaluating Target Table.

7. What operations can Import Manager perform?
Import Manager provides a mechanism for converting data from existing files to your People soft application data tables. Record definitions are foundations for Import Manager.
1. Field formats and editing: Import manager is used to upload file data from a designated source file into your application database. The source file containing data to be imported must be a fixed length ASCII file (. DAT FILE)
2. SQL Inserts: The Import manager performs only SQL inserts. This means that new rows of data with a unique key can be inserted into SQL table. Updates to an existing row of data cannot be done through import manager.
3. SQL commit: The SQL commit takes place at the end of each import load. If the import stops before the end-of-life, none of the new rows of data will be written to the database.

8. Will the import manager write data values to the target table if it encounters key values in the source table?
NO – If the utility encounters key values on the source file, error message is flashed and the rows will not be written to the database. To overcome this problem, we will have to enable “by pass key value” control in the Import manager.

9. Options available to run Import Manager?
The following options are available to run import manager.

1. Edit: Read through the rows to imported and processes an edit report of the
Results. No data is written to the database.
2. Load: Writes rows of data to the database and automatically prints an edit report
Summarizing the result.
3. Compare: Reserved for future use. It currently has the same functionality as an

10. What is Translate Table?
A translate table is a prompt table that serves as data dictionary to store values for fields that don’t need individual prompt tables of their own.

11. What are the limitations of Translate table?
1. Field type should be character
2. Minimum Field length should be 1 to 4 characters.
3. Field values should be small (static).

12. What is Effective Data?
Effective data is used to store history, Current and Future information.

13. History date Vs past Date?
Past date - Within 30 days of current date is called Past date.
History date - Above 30 days of current date is called History Date.

14. What is a record?
A Group of non-repetitive fields is called a record.

15. How many types of records are there?
There are six types of records

1. SQL table - Corresponding physical SQL table in the database we create with build option.
2. SQL View – It is not a physical SQL table on the database, it gives the replicate of joined tables. It is used for security and faster access.
3. Dynamic View – It is actually stored in the form of SQL view text and is executed at runtime. It uses the built in indexes. Whereas normal view is executed and stored in the database.
4. Derived/Work record - It is a temporary workspace to be used during on line panel processing and is not stored in the database, therefore derived work records are not built. They cannot be seen in the update/display mode. Once the panel is cancelled it is removed from the buffer.
5. Sub Records – A group of fields commonly used in multiple records.
6. Query View – A Query view is a view constructed using People soft Query tool.

16. How many types of Displays are there in the tool bar?

1. Field Display - It shows the filed attributes (fieldname, Type, Len, Format, H, and Shortname, Long name
2. Use Display - It shows key related characteristics and default values for the fields
(Field name, type, direction indicates, search key, list, system indicates, audit, H, default values)
3. Edit Display - It shows the auditing options available for the fields (field name, type required , edit, prompt table, reasonable date, people code)
4. People code display - It shows the different events and the user can choose required event to write people code.

1. What is a workflow processor?
Workflow processor is a suite of online agents that run and control the workflow in your business processes. Once you define your business processes, you set up agents to do the work for you. Workflow processor consists of:

Word lists, which are ordered lists of the work a person (or group of people) have to do.
Application agents, which detect when a business rule has been triggered as users enter data into a People soft application. They evaluate who should action the new work instance (the role) and routes it to them (the routing)
The message agent, which processes messages sent to People soft external systems, such as electronic mail systems, interactive voice response systems, kiosks, other workflow systems, even the internet. It provides an application-programming interface (API) that enables third-party systems to integrate with People soft applications.

Database agents, which monitor the People soft database to identify items that need to enter workflow, such as overdue requisitions, scheduled performance reviews; departments that are over budget-any item you want to be alerted about. Workflow Administrator gives you the ability to access, monitor, analyze, and control workflow in your organization, which activities take the longest, which work lists are overloaded, and you can redesign work when an employee is out sick

2. What is a Tree?
It is a People soft object that defines the grouping and hierarchical relationship between the values of database fields. It also specifies how the system groups together the values of the fields for the purpose of reporting and security access.
Note: A particular tree is imported through out People soft system. Only one tree should be active throughout People soft system at a time.

3. What is a Tree Node (Unit)?
It represents the group of detailed values that report to it.

4. What is a Tree level?
It provides the short way to refer all nodes that share a single parent.

5. What is a node?
It is an individual branch of main level.

6. What is a Parent?
A node, which has other nodes reporting to it.

7. What is a child?
Lower level than its parent is called a child.

8. What is a sibling?
A node, which is placed at the same level, is called sibling.

9. What is meant by category in Tree manager?
High-level grouping under which you can organize your tree structure and tree definition.

10. Explain the various options to define a Tree?
There are 2 options to define a Tree..
1.Detailed Tree: used to gather information about the various parts of the tree.
2.Summary Tree: collection of detailed tree nodes.

11. What are the advantages of Tree Manager?
The following are the advantages of a Tree Manager..
1. By building a tree you can make rules centralized and can be used throughout the system.
2. Tree makes it easier to select the values you want to include in a report, ledger or security profile.
3. The main advantage in a tree is that it summarizes the rules visually and you can easily see as to now the values relate to each other.

12. What is an application reviewer?
It is a tool, which is window, based and designed as an aid in debugging People code programs. It allows us to investigate processing errors and to set a break point in between programs.
Note: People code works in data on the stacks. (Stacks store the internal machine execution numbers)

13. What are the important Cross-reference Reports in People soft?
There are three important Cross-reference reports in People soft..
1. XRF PCFL (Cross reference people code to field)
2. XRF FLPC (Cross reference field to People code)
3. XRF PNPC (Cross reference panel to People code)

14. What is a Query Tool?
Query tool is a powerful tool for defining database queries in an easy-to-use graphical environment. You can extract the precise data you want using visual representation of People soft database.

15. Enlist the uses of Query tool?
The following are the uses of Query tool..
1. It is used to simplify SQR statements
2. It can be used to generate one-time adhoc queries or queries used repeatedly.
3. It provides security for queries.
4. Query tool can be used to generate Pnvision and Crystal reports.

16. Explain briefly the types of queries?
There are 3 types of Queries
Search for records. Many of the search dialog boxes in People soft applications enable you to open Query and create a query based on the search record definition. This option enables you to search for records based on sophisticated search criteria. This type of query is called a search query.

Determine who to forward information to. You can write queries that People soft Work flow uses to determine who to send e-mails, forms, or work list entries to.
This type of query is called a role query>

User defined queries (adhoc query) is used to generate reports in the user defined format.

17. Explain briefly about the Database tab and Query tab?
When you click the database tab, you see a list of available record definitions (or record components). You can view these records as either a tree of access groups or as an alphabetical tree of records to which you operator ID has access.
When you click the Query tab, you see all the components used in the current query (such as record components, field components, prompts, expressions, and so on.

18. What is an Access Group in a Query tool?
Access groups provide a way for you to logically organize the record components to control security access within Query. It is not a physical representation of your database. The record components shown are those that the operator has been granted access to.

19. Explain briefly about Crystal Reports?
With Crystal Reports Pro from Seagate software, you can generate attractive reports. Crystal reports builds directly on queries you create in People soft Query. Crystal reports pro for windows is a report formatter that helps you to generate clear and easy to read printed reports containing data from your People soft applications. You can generate standard reports we have already created and saved in Crystal, or create your own custom reports.
Generating formatted output in Crystal involves two steps. First you create and save queries in People soft Query then you create report definitions in Crystal to format the fields (columns) used in the queries. Once you have created and saved the report definitions, you can print reports that are easy to read and understand. You can generate reports in a variety of different formats, including ASCII files, Microsoft Word documents and spread sheets.

IBM Interview Questions and Answers on Peoplesoft

1. What is a set ID or Table set?
It is going share common control table values.

2. What is an object group?
Collection of one or more objects that form a logical group for security purpose.

3. What is business Process Map?
It is an alternative method for accessing panels or it is a graphical representation of a map.

4. What is an activity?
It is a collection of logical steps. It represents specific transaction a user might need to perform.

5. What is a business Process?
It is a collection of activities and it represents broad area functionality, categorizing the several activities.

6.What is a Process?
A task involved by the system.

7. What is a process instance?
It is a process number used to request process.

8. What is a process server agent?
It is going to initialize, select and parse the program.

9. What is a command line parameter?
The executable (.EXE) file is nothing but command line parameter. E.g. C:/SQLbin\SQL.exe.

10. What is Parameter List?
It defines under what database, platform will the program. (Nothing but the meta-strings)

11. What is Application Upgrade?
It is a migration of object from one database to another and updating other system components such as application software.

12. What is Mass change and explain the uses of Mass change?
Mass change is a SQL generator you can use to develop and perform custom applications. Using mass change, a developer can set up a series of INSERT, UPDATE, OR DELETE SQL statements that the end user can execute to perform business functions.
The overall structure of Mass change is similar to that of People soft Query
Except that Query retrieves data from the database while mass change actually updates the database.
The uses of Mass change are as follows.
1. It is used to perform high volume set oriented transactions.
2. Copy data from table or table
3. Archive table data (Archive means that the data does not have backup file and uses to update the values)

13. Why use Mass change and why not SQL execute to update a record, which is not attached to the panel?
The reason why Mass change is preferred over SQL exec is….
1. Two- Three Mass change program can work at a single time.
2. Data / information need not be defined in Mass change
3. Mass change can be used for file download upload.

14. What are the steps involved in Mass change?
The following are the order of steps involved in Mass change.
`1. Define type
2. Assign to template
3. Operator security
4.Mass change definition

15. What is Mass change group?
Adding all Mass change into a group. (i.e., Multiple Mass change definitions can be executed simultaneously).

16. What is workflow?
To an extent all the business processes defined using the Application designer involve workflow. However we usually reserve the term to refer to processes that involve multiple users and the routing of data between the users. People soft workflow tools help you build the routings into your computer systems. You use them to tie together the individual steps so that the system can help coordinate the activities.

17. How Workflow is controlled?
It is controlled by Decision Point (it is graphically denoted by a (?)). Where user has to choose which activity is appropriate towards the next step.

18. What are the key fields used in Key list?
7 key fields used in a key list. They are as follows..
1. Busprocname- (Business Process Name)
2. Activity name
3. Event name
4. Work list name
5. Instance Id
6. Transaction Id
7. Emplid

Note: While defining the above fields in the record definition, a key has to be assigned in the record field properties.

19. What is routing in workflow?
Transfer of roles / users

20. Why workflow is used and explains the advantage of workflow in People soft application?
Workflow typically eliminates the job tasks associated with controlling paper flow, and frees people the once performed clerical functions to do more meaningful work.
• Tasks that don’t require user involvement
• Tasks that involve non People soft users
• Tasks that several users work on together.

21. Define the components of workflow?
There are 3 underlying components of workflow i.e., Rules, Roles, Routing.

Rules are your company’s business practices captured in software. Rules determine what activities are required to process your business data. The rules are contained in policies and procedures documents.

Roles describe how people fit into the workflow. A role is a class of users who perform the same type of work, such as clerks or managers. Your business rules typically specify what user role needs to do an activity.
Roles direct the work to types of people rather than to individuals. Identifying roes instead of individual users makes your workflow more flexible and easier to maintain. Roles remain stable even as people change jobs.

Routings connect the activities in the workflow. They are the systems means of moving information from one place to another, from one step to the next. Routings bring the flow into workflow. The network of routings creates a business process from what used to be isolated activities. Routings make it possible to deploy applications throughout the enterprise. They work through the levels and departments of an enterprise to bring together the role that are necessary to complete complex tasks.

1. Define Data Move?
Data Mover is People Tool that provides a convenient way to:
0. Transfer application data between People soft data tables
0. Move People soft database across Operating systems and database plat forms.
0. Create release specific archives of People soft database or individual People soft records.
0. Execute SQL statements against any People soft database, regardless of the underlying operating systems or database plat form.
0. Control database security and access.

2. What is the usage of Data mover?
Data mover is used to create edit and run scripts. These scripts may include any combination of SQL commands and Data mover commands for exporting and importing database contents.

3. What is Trace SQL?
Trace SQL logs a variety of information about SQL activity called from People tools and from batch COBOL on a client or server.
SQL Trace records information about the actual API (Application Process Interface)
Calls both our GUI (Graphic User Interface) and COBOL Programs send to the
Database. This tool is useful for debugging SQL
Note: While operating with the Data Mover utility, the trace option should be disabled.
Use SET NO TRACE statement to disable the SQL Trace.

When the Data Mover is launched using the Database Access ID and Password, it is called BOOTSTRAP MODE.
Typically, using Bootstrap mode is necessary for database loading, because there are no People soft security tables established yet. It is also helpful for accomplishing other security-related tasks, such as running Grant_Users and Encrypt_password scripts.
In Bootstrap mode the following commands are not valid export, rename and replace

5. Explain the types of commands in the Data Mover?
A Data Mover script can contain two types of commands.
0. Data Mover commands: Used to export and import database information and to otherwise modify database. Also, used to control script execution, call other Data Mover files and to enter commands.
0. SQL commands: These include both standard and non-standard SQL commands and are used to modify the database.

6. What is SQR? Features of SQR?
*SQR (Structured Query Reports) is a programming language used in data processing and data reporting. SQR program can execute multiple queries.*
0. More flexible
0. Scalability for Client and Server architecture.
0. Multiple platform portability
0. Multiple RDBMS portability

7. What is a FLAG?
It is an attribute given to programming for processing and generating output destination file.

8. What is difference between .LIS and .SPF file?
. LIS (list file) is used for line printer execution. Normally it is used for printing cheques.
.SPF file is portable format, this is used for all window-based applications with any printer. Normally it is used for MSPAINT, Image, and Graphics.

9. How many types of SQR files are there?
There are 5 types of SQR files….
5. SQC: SQC program files contain commonly included procedures that are called by other SQR programs.
5. . LIS when an SQR reports generate output it is sent to a file with an. LIS extension.
5. . LOG: SQR.LOG file is the output file used by People soft. This file contains all information such as errors and displays statements. That is output to the terminal during the execution of SQR.
5. . MAX: SQR does not dynamically allocate memory. The default program allocations (which were coded for lower DOS memory) usually have to be increased for complex SQR programs.
Note: People soft uses a .MAX file to increase any SQR parameter where default is not adequate for the program. There is one main .MAX file for processing under SQR W (windows) called ALLMAXES.MAX

5. SQT: These program files are precompiled SQR programs. As a People soft 5+ there are no delivered precompiled SQR programs.

10. Explain briefly about flags?
The SQR command supports several flags. Each flag begins with a dash (-). Flags with arguments must be followed directly by the argument with no intervening space.


3. SQR Command-Line Flags
Flag Description
-A Causes the report output to be appended to an existing file of the user name
-Bnn (Oracle,SYBASE CT-Lib) indicates how many rows to buffer each time data
is retrieved from the database. The default is 10 rows.
-C Specifies that the cancel dialog box appear while the program.
-CB (Callable SQR) forces the communication box to be used.
-DEBUG (xxx) (Sybase) Causes lines preceded by #DEBUG to be compared. Without this
flag, these lines are ignored.
-E(file) Causes error messages to be directed to the named file, or to the default file
report errs. If no errors occur, no file is created.
-F (file) (Directory) overrides the default output file name program .lis
-KEEP In addition to .LIS files, creates an .SPF file for each report that your
program generates.
- LOCK(RR]CS]RO]RL]XX] (SQL Base) Defines the types of locking (isolation level
for the session.
-NR (SQL Base) specifies that the No Recovery mode is used when connecting to the database.
-XCB Do not use the communication box.
-XL Prevents SQR from logging on to the database. Programs run in this
mode cannot contain any SQL statements.
-XMB Disables the error message display so that a program can be run without
interruption by error message boxes.
-XP (SYBASE DB-Lib) Prevents SQR from creating temporary stored pro-
-XTB Preserves the trailing blanks in an LIS file.
-ZIV Invokes the SPF viewer after generating program .spf file. Using this flag
implicitly invokes the –KEEP flag to create program .spf file.
-ZMF(File) specifies the full path and name of the SQR Error Message file. The Sqr
err.dat located in the directory indicated by the SQR DIR environment
Variable is the default.

1. How SQR Programs are evaluated and executed at different times?
FIRST PASS: Or Compile stage. SQR processes the following components of the program.
1. All # include external source files (SQCs) are inserted into the source program.
2. All # commands are evaluated.
3. The setup section is processes including allocation and population of memory arrays created by the load-look up command.
4. Optimization of the SQL data access path is determined.
5. Checks syntax of SQR source program.

SECOND PASS: Actual execution of the program source occurs starting at the begin
Report stopping at the end-report.
1. Process data for the body section.
2. Senses page overflow or response to new-page command in code.
3. Process heading section
4. Process footing section
5. Writes entire page buffer to file.

2. How many types of SQR data elements are there?
Columns, variables, Literal

3. What does SQR report structure(program) consists of or Types of sections in SQR Program?
Report or Program – Determines where SQR will begin and end execution of your report. People soft uses this section to control the flow of processing by calling procedures using the do command, thereby utilizing modular programming.
Setup Section – Contains commands, which describe the general report characteristics (Note: the setup section is preprocessed and is automatically run before the program begins execution. This section can only include SQR commands.
Programming section –
A – Begin – SQL: The SQL paragraph allows you to execute any non-select SQL
B. Begin-Document-: Allows you to mix background text. With the data retrieved from the database.
C. Begin-Select: Select paragraph is the heart of the SQR program. For each row of data retrieved from the query, acting as an implicit while loop may also process a set of commands there. Here you specify what columns of data to retrieve from the database. Other procedures may be referenced within a select paragraph, which in turn may contain other select paragraphs.
Note: In begin select SQR requires that columns names be flesh to the left margin and SQR commands be indented.
Heading Section
Footing Section
Procedure Section : A procedure is a list of commands or paragraphs, which are processed when referenced by a corresponding, do command. Procedure names must be unique. Procedures can contain regular SQR commands as well as three special kinds of paragraphs: A. SQL B. Document C. Select

4. Explain Print Function?
The print command, is both explicit and implicit, is the focal point for formatting and processing.
Explicit print is used to print database column referenced by its pseudonym (&column name) or a user defined variable.
The Implicit print is only valid for database columns as they are retrieved in the select para.

5. What are positional co-ordinates?
Printing in SQR is placing output on the page grid. Position syntax is used to define where to place data on the page within a given section.

6. Explain briefly about On-break processing?
On-break option on columns will cause each column to break independently from each other. When a break occurs the following happens, After procedure are processed in descending sequence from the highest level to the level of the current break filed.

7. Difference between ASK V/S INPUT?
ASK : It is requests the user for the value and substitutes the value during compilation. It is used only in the setup section.
INPUT : It requests the user for the value at runtime. (i.e., at execution stage). It can be used anywhere in the programming section.
Note: INPUT is mere efficient than ASK.

8. Define an Array?
An Array can be defined to store intermediate results or data retrieved from the database.

9. Define Process Scheduler?
It is an centralized tool that enables application developers, system administrators and application users to manage People soft batch process. Process Scheduler enables you to schedule running process and create job.

10.Difference between Process and Job?
Process: A process is a single task, program or routine (such as SQR reports or Batch Cobol) that runs either on client or server.
Job: It is one or more process of the same or different type, which can run either in series or Parallel. (A group of process can be combined and run as process job)

1. What is Application Upgrade?
It is a migration of object from one database to another and updating other system components such as application software.

2. What is Mass change and explain the uses of Mass change?
Mass change is a SQL generator you can use to develop and perform custom applications. Using mass change, a developer can set up a series of INSERT, UPDATE, OR DELETE SQL statements that the end user can execute to perform business functions.
The overall structure of Mass change is similar to that of People soft Query
Except that Query retrieves data from the database while mass change actually updates the database.
The uses of Mass change are as follows.
1. It is used to perform high volume set oriented transactions.
2. Copy data from table or table
3. Archive table data (Archive means that the data does not have backup file and uses to update the values)

3. Why use Mass change and why not SQL execute to update a record, which is not attached to the panel?
The reason why Mass change is preferred over SQL exec is….
1. Two- Three Mass change program can work at a single time.
2. Data / information need not be defined in Mass change
3. Mass change can be used for file download upload.

4. What are the steps involved in Mass change?
The following are the order of steps involved in Mass change.
1. Define type
2. Assign to template
3. Operator security
4.Mass change definition

5. What is Mass change group?
Adding all Mass change into a group. (i.e., Multiple Mass change definitions can be executed simultaneously).

6. What is workflow?
To an extent all the business processes defined using the Application designer involve workflow. However we usually reserve the term to refer to processes that involve multiple users and the routing of data between the users. People soft workflow tools help you build the routings into your computer systems. You use them to tie together the individual steps so that the system can help coordinate the activities.

7. How Workflow is controlled?
It is controlled by Decision Point (it is graphically denoted by a (?)). Where user has to choose which activity is appropriate towards the next step.

8. What are the key fields used in Key list?
7 key fields used in a key list. They are as follows..
1. Busprocname- (Business Process Name)
2. Activity name
3. Event name
4. Work list name
5. Instance Id
6. Transaction Id
7. Emplid

Note: While defining the above fields in the record definition, a key has to be assigned in the record field properties.

9. What is routing in workflow?
Transfer of roles / users

10. Why workflow is used and explains the advantage of workflow in People soft application?
Workflow typically eliminates the job tasks associated with controlling paper flow, and frees people the once performed clerical functions to do more meaningful work.
• Tasks that don’t require user involvement
• Tasks that involve non People soft users
• Tasks that several users work on together.

11. Define the components of workflow?
There are 3 underlying components of workflow i.e., Rules, Roles, Routing.

Rules are your company’s business practices captured in software. Rules determine what activities are required to process your business data. The rules are contained in policies and procedures documents.

Roles describe how people fit into the workflow. A role is a class of users who perform the same type of work, such as clerks or managers. Your business rules typically specify what user role needs to do an activity.
Roles direct the work to types of people rather than to individuals. Identifying roes instead of individual users makes your workflow more flexible and easier to maintain. Roles remain stable even as people change jobs.

Routings connect the activities in the workflow. They are the systems means of moving information from one place to another, from one step to the next. Routings bring the flow into workflow. The network of routings creates a business process from what used to be isolated activities. Routings make it possible to deploy applications throughout the enterprise. They work through the levels and departments of an enterprise to bring together the role that are necessary to complete complex tasks.

1.What conditions are required to establish parent child relationship between two records? What are the advantages with that?
Conditions are:
1) The child record should have all the key fields of parent record and at least one more key field other than the key fields of parent record.
2) We should mention the parent record in the record properties of child record.
3) We can not go for more than three levels of parent/child relationships.
Advantages are:
1) To have referential integrity.
2) No need to enter information again and again

2. Which effective dated rows can be retrieved in update/display mode, update/display all and correction mode?
Update/display – can view current and future rows. Can update only future rows.
Update/display all – can view history, current and future rows. Can update only future rows.
Correction – can view and update history, current and future rows.

3. What types of audits are supported by people soft? In case of record level audit what is the structure of table?
We have field level audit and record level audit. The structure of the table in record level audit is: AUDIT_OPRID, AUDIT_STAMP, AUDIT_ACTN, AUDIT_RECNAME and can add fields from record.

4. What are Table Edits?
We have prompt table edit, yes/no table edit, translate table edit as the table edits.

5. What is the difference between Key and alternate search Key?
KEY-It is the primary key of the record. Can be used as search key or need not be. Alternate search key-it is used for searching purposes.

6. Can you place Sub page into Grid? If yes How?
Yes we can insert subpage using insert subpage. After insert subpage into main page, drag the subpage into the grid. When we save the page we are successfully able to save the page showing that we can insert a subpage into a grid.

7. Can you hide a primary page in a component? Reason?
No, we can not hide the primary page of a component. If the component had only one page then by making this page also invisible we won’t have any component existing so we are not allowed to hide the primary page.

8. What is an Expert Entry?
Expert entry enables a user to change from interactive to deferred mode at runtime for appropriate transactions.

9. What is Auto Update?
This record field property is used to update the date field of particular record with the server's current date and time whenever a user creates or updates a row. Even the user enter the data into that field, the data which the user enters will be updated by the system’s current date and time.

10.How can a component have more than one search record? Give a situation.
You might want to reuse the same component multiple times with different search records. You can accomplish this by overriding the component search record at runtime when the component is opened from a menu item without creating separate copies of the component. The component override is temporary, and occurs only when the component is opened from the menu item in which the override is set. It does not change the component definition.

11. How can you improve the security and usability of a Prompt table edit.?
Prompt table view

12. What are the different ways to setup row level security?
We can setup row-level security using a SQL view that joins the data table with an authorization table. And By having Query search for data using a query security record definition. The query security record definition adds a security check to the search.

13. How does peoplesoft use views? Which are online functions?
A) People soft uses views for search records, summary pages, prompt views, reports.
Search records and summary pages are online functions.

14. Why do PeopleSoft often use views as search records?
A) Search views are used for three main reasons.
1. Adding criteria to the search dialogue page
2. Providing row level security.
3. Implementing search page processing.

15. What is Record Group? Which records can be included into a record group?
Record group consists of records with similar functionality. To setup a record in record group we should enter a set control field value in record properties

1. Explain briefly about record properties?
KEY: the record knows a field, which uniquely identifies each row, as a key.
1. According, to the key field, we will search and retrieve data from the database.
2. This will not allow duplicate and not null values.
3. It is a primary key
4. It allows multiple keys
5. Maximum keys allowed in a record is 15
6. It should be placed at the top of the record definition.

Duplicate Order Key:

1. It provides a way of ordering data in the table when the duplicate values are allowed.
2. It will create index for the column. However the index can be disabled.

Alternate Search key:

1. It identifies the field as a key that provides an alternative path into table data.
2. Due to alternate search key the system becomes slow, because database index will be created when SQL creates the tables, so it will consume the disk space.
3. It allows duplicate values.
4. Alternate search will be seen in the search dialog box when update/display mode is selected.

Descending order key:
It is used to retrieve data in the form of 3-2-1 or C-B-A and normally it is
used in Effective date.

2. What is ordering key?
The following way we have to arrange the fields
1. Field with primary key and search box.
2. Field with primary key
3. Field with duplicate order key.

3. Define Scroll? How many types of scrolls are there?
A Scroll is used to enter multiple rows and retrieve multiple row data. There are two types of scrolls:

1. Nested scrolls – For each repeating data and for each entry with other set of repeating set of data is called a nested scroll. Maximum 3 nested levels are allowed. The nested scrolls share same high-level keys.
2. Independent scrolls – At each scroll level a maximum of 15 screen be included.

4. Define Occurs Level?
Occurs level specifies the level of a scroll bar relative to any other scroll bars on a panel. The following are the occurs level at each nested scroll bar.
The primary scroll bar in a set of nested scroll bars has an occur level 1 A Secondary scroll bar has an occurs level of 2, which means it is subordinate to scroll bar 1.The third scroll bar has an occurs level of 3, which means it is subordinate to scroll bar 2.

5. What are the types of controls that can be placed on the panel?
There are three types of controls:
1. Aesthetic Control: It is used to organize the information on the panel and it is not associated with the database. There are 4 types of aesthetic contents. A) Text B)Frame C) Group box D) Static image.
2. Data entry control: It is used to offer different way to enter and maintain the information. There are 7 types of Data entry controls. A) Edit box B) Drop down list box C) Long edit box D) Check box E) Radio button F) Sub-panel image.
3. Function and data processing control: It adds command and maintains level of information on the command. There are 6 types of data processing controls
A) Command push button B) Process push button C) Secondary panel D)Scroll bar E) Grid control F) Tree.

6.Define Sub-panel and Secondary panel?
Sub-panel : It is a predefined, preside group control, which will appear in more than one panel. (Utility: if you have group of controls, such as address coasts, which you use on multiple panel definition, you can save those panel control groups on sub- panel)
Secondary Panel: An invisible control that associates a secondary panel with a primary panel. (Utility: Secondary panels are used to gather or display supplemental information related to the object that appears in a primary panel)

7. Explain about display control field and related display control field?
Display control field: It is controlling the field in some other record.
Related control field: display control field controls it.

8. What is panel group? Explain in brief about panel group?
Panel group is the bridge between panel and menu. A panel group is a set of panels
That should be processed as if it is one panel. The panel group represents a complete business transaction because all the Information goes together. The group must be stored in the database as a single Unit of work. At runtime, we are opening and saving panel group not individual Panels.

9.Define a Menu? How many types of Menus exist?
Menus are used to navigate the application (Menu is a window to the application)
There are two types of menus:

1. Standard menu: It appears in the menu bar of a Peoplesoft application.
2. Popup menu: Allows the user to navigate related information in other areas of application by right clicking on a panel or panel control.

39. How many types of securities are available in People soft?
There are 6 types of securities:
1. RDBMS Security 2. Network security 3.Operator security 4. Object security 5.Tree level security 6. Query security (row level security)

2. Interview Questions on PeopleSoft ,FAQs and Answers

1.What are the physicals attributes Applications designer screen?
The following are the attributes of Application Designer
1. Title bar
2. Menus
3. Toolbar
4. Project Workspace – it arranges Peoplesoft objects in Windows explorer format
5. Object Workspace – Open Multiple Object and store in main window.
6. Output Window – Deals about the output generated by using project development or Up gradation.
7. View tabs – Development tools / Upgrade

2. What is MDI?
Multiple Document Interface – having an option to open multiple windows at the same time. But only one window can be activated at a time.

3. What is Morphing?
The Application designer uses an approach of morphing, or dynamically transforming the menus and toolbars to edit the definition in the active window.

4. How is data stored, retrieved, manipulated and processed in People soft applications?
People soft is a table-based system. A database for a people tools application contains three major sets of tables…
1. System catalog tables; it stores physical attributes of tables and views. (e.g. Sys, Columns, Sys tables)
2. People Tools tables; it contains information that you define using People Tools (e.g.
3. Application Data Tables; Store the actual data users enter and access through People Soft application windows and panels. (E.g. PS_ <>)

5. What is SQL Talk?
SQL Talk is an interface to Peoplesoft database.

6. How many types of RDBMS support Peoplesoft?
The following are the list of RDBMS supporting Peoplesoft application..
1. DB2 2. DB2/AS400 3. DB2/MVS 4. SQL Base 5.Oracle 6. MSSQI.Server 7. Informix

7. Define a Field?
Fields are basic building blocks in People soft and can be used in application when they are added to atleast one record. Fields are globally defined.

8. What are the various Field attributes?
The commons filed attributes are:
1. Data type 2. Field name 3. Long name 4. Short name 5. Formatting 6. Help context number 7. Translate values – stored in separate table (XLATTABLE).

9. Define Field properties?
Fields are
1.Globally defined
2.Reusable components and can be shared across multiple record definitions
3.A change to the Field properties affects all the records that include the field.

Peoplesoft Interview Questions and Answers listed below.
1. What is an ERP?
It is a process of integrated flow of Information, which binds on the organization together.

2. What is an ERP system?
It is an integrated application software module providing operational, managerial and strategic Information for improving productivity, quality and quantity to improve competence.

3. Describe the Life Cycle of a Project (ERP Implementation)?
The Project passes through the following stages.
1. Analysis
2. Designing
3. Coding
4. Testing
5. Implementation
6. Maintenance.

4. Define People Tools?
A Collection of software programs, utility scripts and (reports, messages, Cobol SQL statements, database tables and data that provide the frame work for creating, using and modifying people soft applications. People tools provide built in business functionally and maintains the capability that directly increase productivity and simplify system design.

5. What does Application Designer mean?
It is an integrated development environment that is used to develop People soft applications.

6. Functionality of Application Designer?
The following are the uses of Application Designer.
1. Design and create database tables.
2. Design on-line panels
3. Controlling on-line processing flow.
4. Create application windows and menus
5. Providing security for the database.

7. Difference between Two-tier and Three-tier architecture?
Incase of three-tier architecture an application server is connected between the database server (Back end) and the client (front end).
Incase of two-tier architecture the server is directly connected to the client.

8. Advantages of three-tier architecture?
The advantages of three-tier configuration are…
1. Reduce the LAN traffic.
2. Built-in functionality
3. Increase the productivity.
4. No SQL at the client level.
5. Improved performance over WAN.
6. Increased Scalability. (regardless of the number of users connected you can maintain constant performance level)

9. What is a project?
User defined collection of related definitions (fields, records, panels, panelgroups and menus).

10. What are the steps for building an application?
The following are the steps to create application designer.
1. Defining an application.
2. Create field definition.
3. Create Record definition using the fields.
4. Create SQL table.
5. Create Panel.
6. Add panel to the panel group.
7. Add panel group to the Menu.
8. Authorize operators to access Pan.
9. Test.