Monday, October 22, 2012

Some important Q & A

What is the use of set control field in record field properties?
Set Control id is used when you want to share tables in PeopleTools applications.

What is built in restart logic in Application Engine programs?
Within each Application Engine program, you must define how frequently theprogram will issue a COMMIT. After doing so, each COMMIT becomes a "checkpoint"that Application Engine uses to locate where within a program to restart after anabend. This type of built-in logic does not exist in COBOL or SQR.

In which events error & warning are used most extensively.
Field edit, save edit, Search save, row delete, row insert.

What is difference between field default and Rowinit?
Field default specifies only the default value for a field when we are in Add mode.Row init fires only when a row of data coming from database to component buffer.

Getrowset –is used to get rowset for a record in the component buffer.Createrowset—is used to create rowset for a record which in database, and is alsocalled a Standalone rowset

What are variable types in SQR?

& Data base reference fields – Read only

$ Character (Same for Date)

# Numeric

{ } Variable in ASK or # define

[$ variable] Dynamic variable referencing

What is application engine program?
PeopleSoft Application Engine program is a set of SQL statements, PeopleCode, andprogram control actions that enable looping and conditional logic.

 The record knows a field, which uniquely identifies each row, as a key.
1. We will search and retrieve data from the database according to the key field.
2. This will not allow duplicate and null values.
3. It is a primary key
4. It allows multiple keys
5. Maximum keys allowed in a record is 15
6. It should be placed at the top of the record definition.

Duplicate Order Key:
1. It provides a way of ordering data in the table when the duplicate values areallowed.
2. It will create index for the column. However the index can be disabled.

Alternate Search key:
1. it identifies the field as a key that provides an alternative path into table data.
2. Due to alternate search key the system becomes slow, because database indexwill be created when SQL creates the tables, so it will consume the disk space.
3. It allows duplicate values.
4. Alternate search will be seen in the search dialog box when update/display modeis selected.

Descending order key:
It is used to retrieve data in the form of 3-2-1 or C-B-A and normally it isused in Effective date.

What is Auto Update?
This record field property is used to update the date field of particular record with the server'scurrent date and time whenever a user creates or updates a row. Even the user enter the data intothat field, the data which the user enters will be updated by the system’s current date and time.

-- Control tables

--Reporting tables

Control tables:
These tables serve as foundation for the Organization.

Company Table

Business Unit Table

Location Table

Compensation Rate Code Table

Job Code Table

Table SetId (SetId table)

Establishment Table

Department Table

Salary plan, Grade and Step Table

Pay group Table

Transaction tables:
Records change often in these tables

Personal Information

Employment table

Job table

Benefits program participation tables
Sequence of table setup in HR?

Installation Table

Company Table

Table SetId (SetId table)

Business Unit Table

Tableset Control Table

Organization defaults by Permission lists

Business unit HR defaults table

Establishment Tables

Location Table

Department Table

Compensation Rate Code Table

Salary plan, Grade and Step Table

Job Code Table

Pay group Table

Define SQR and steps for performance tuning?
SQR stands for Structured Query report.SQR performs database processing and used as reporting tool.When program contains begin-sql, begin-select or execute commands, it performssql statements, processing of sql statements consumes significant computingresources hence tuning sql statements yields higher performance.Following are the steps for simplifying sql statements and reducing number of sqlexecutions:

Simplify a complex select paragraph.

Use LOAD-LOOKUP to simplify joins.

Improve SQL performance with dynamic SQL.

Examine SQL cursor status.

Avoid temporary database tables.

Create multiple reports in one pass.

Tune SQR numerics.

Compile SQR programs and use SQR Execute.

Set processing limits.

Buffer fetched rows.

Run programs on the database server.

Security?Security Tree
A security structure that graphically represents the hierarchy of yourorganization.
Tree Level
Represents a logical division in your business hierarchy (ex: department,branch or region).
Tree Node
Represents an organizational entity on the tree
Tree Manager
A PeopleSoft tool that provides a visual means to build a hierarchy of security for all organizational entities.
Query Trees
Graphical representation of Tables to which you wish to control queryaccess.
Access Groups
Nodes in Query Trees where you would group Operators and assignthem access to all tables under the node.
User Profiles:
A User Profile describes a particular user of the PeopleSoft system.User Profiles define individual PeopleSoft users. You define User Profiles and then linkthem to one or more Roles. Typically, a User Profile must be linked to at least oneRole in order to be a valid profile. User Profiles maintain the Roles that are assignedto the user.
are assigned to User Profiles. Roles are intermediate objects that link UserProfiles to Permission Lists. Multiple Roles can be assigned to a User Profile, and youcan assign multiple Permission Lists to a Role. Some examples of Roles might beEmployee, Manager, Customer, and so on.
Permission Lists
are lists, or groups, of authorizations that you assign to Roles.Permission Lists store Sign-on times, Page access, PeopleTools access, and so on.A Permission List may contain one or more types of permissions. The more types of permissions in Permission List the more modular and scalable your implementation.A User Profile inherits most of its permissions through the roles that have beenassigned to the User Profile.Data permissions, or row-level security, appear either through a Primary PermissionsList or a Row Security Permissions list
Row-level security
controls access to the subset of data rows within tables theuser is authorized to read or update. The decision to implement row-level securitywill be based on the need to provide that level of data security. To establish row-level security, you must first decide the necessary data security level required, whichkey fields to secure, and whether security will be defined through User IDs orPermission Lists. With row-level support, PeopleSoft security can restrict individualusers or Permission Lists from specific rows of data that are controlled by key fields,

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